A Whole Lot of Brown's

A Whole Lot of Brown's
"This is our life, like it or not."

Friday, April 9, 2010

Family Reunion

Kris, Kim and Kira
Kris and the kids.
Me and my aunt Jane.

I have an aunt and two cousins that live in the Hampton Roads area near where we were.  We were able to meet them for dinner on Monday night.  It has been several years since we have seen them.  It was a lot of fun to see them.  We had dinner and then headed to "Kidsburg", which was across the street from their house.  It was a very nice, VERY large playground.  Jacob and my cousin Kris even played a little basketball.  As you can imagine our kids were exhausted after a long but very fun day.  They all slept very well.

1 comment:

Cara said...

I wish I had a Kidsburg across the street from my house. As it is we make do with our basement. Sounds like you guys are on a fun trip!