A Whole Lot of Brown's

A Whole Lot of Brown's
"This is our life, like it or not."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Heat please..

About 2 1/2 weeks ago our heat went out. It was pretty cold but we used some space heaters, visited some friends and we were okay. The motor went out, so we replaced it and thought all was well. Wednesday night it went out again. I decided that the kids and I would go spend the weekend with my dad and step-mom and not freeze (the man who fixed it the last time was out of town until late Sunday night and we did not want to have someone different come over). We left Friday, had a great time, and came home Sunday morning. Sunday night Sean and I both felt impressed to turn the heat on. We did and it worked fine. What a miracle!! We are not sure what happened but we are grateful that we have heat again.

There is still a fair amount of snow on the ground but these warmer days are continuing to take care of that.

We had Joy School at our house today. We talked about Outer Space. Each kid got to pretend to be the sun, where a bright yellow shirt and we orbited them. We put stars in the sky and painted an earth. I love having Joy School here.

And we just got a brand new laptop. We have had our desktop for almost 9 years now. That is prehistoric for a computer. It has been a great computer but we are going to turn it over to the kids and start a new adventure on a laptop.

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