A Whole Lot of Brown's

A Whole Lot of Brown's
"This is our life, like it or not."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sick of sick kids!!

Well, Jacob had bronchitis over Thanksgiving. Luckily he did not miss any school since he was already out for the holiday. He was on two breathing treatments and an antibiotic. He is better now but I have two other sick kids. Seth has been coughing for a few days (I am hoping it is not bronchitis) and had a runny nose. I have been up with him a lot at night the past two nights because of the cough. And today Emma has been running a fever and complaining that her head and legs hurt. I am sure that she is achy. Is this the storm before the calm?!?

I will do my best to post something at least every couple days so that you all know if I am still hanging in there or if we have a new addition. I am feeling pretty good other than being tired, part of which is being up most of the night with sick children. My feet are starting to swell a little also. I have been having a few contractions every night but not the real thing yet. You have to love being pregnant and what is does to your body. I just have to remember the prize at the end.

1 comment:

Cara said...

In the wise words of the Little Engine that Could: "I think I can, I think I can...I KNOW I can, I KNOW I can!"

Hang in there - you'll feel better by, oh, March or so! :)