A Whole Lot of Brown's

A Whole Lot of Brown's
"This is our life, like it or not."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tooth Fairy Please

Jacob has had two "wobbler's" for a little over a month. Yesterday he lost not just his first tooth but his second also. Sean took Jacob and our nephews Justin and Eric to see Night at the Museum 2. When they came home Jacob showed me his new smile, which was minus one tooth. The other one was bleeding because he was wiggling and pulling it. A few hours later while he was out back playing badminton he was able to push and pull the other one out. He was concerned that the Tooth Fairy would not find him because we were leaving Sean's parents house so late, but no worries she found him and he is $2 richer today.

1 comment:

Cara said...

That is a rich tooth fairy. At our house the tooth fairy brings quarters, not dollars. He's a lucky kid!